Publication Date: 05/05/2016 ISBN: 9781407162546 Category:

A Day at the Animal Post Office

Sharon Rentta, Sharon Rentta

Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: 05/05/2016 ISBN: 9781407162546 Category:
Paperback / Softback


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Jack’s best friend, Polly, has gone to live at the North Pole,
so Jack decides to write her a letter.
But how will it get there? Jack’s dad is a postie, so he can explain
all about the amazing journey Jack’s letter
will take as it travels in vans, trucks and planes all
the way round the world to Polly’s igloo.

With so many witty, humorous details to explore, children will
love this brand-new addition to Sharon Rentta’s
internationally award-winning A DAY WITH THE ANIMAL…series.

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